Memorial graveside service will be held for Usher Abell, 87, and Edith Barnes Parrish Abell, 89, of Vermillion, S.D. at 11:00 A.M. Saturday, August 9, 2008, in East Side Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Abell both died in Vermillon, S.D. at different dates and were cremated at the time of their death.
They are survived by a son, Tom and wife Margaret Abell. Grandchildren are Thomas and Katherine of Jackson, Miss.; a daughter-in-law, Lydia Abell of Memphis with children, Jessica of Chicago, Ill., Rosie of Los Andes, Chile, and Peter of Memphis. Survived by two great-grandchildren, Clara and Margarita Vicente of San Esteban, Chile.
They were preceded in death by a son, Jack Abell.
Preceded in death by parents, O.T. Parrish and Maggie B. Barnes Parrish
Mrs. Able was joined in death by two brothers, Jack Parrish and William Parrish, and a sister Joy Parrish Wooten.