Age: 61
Place of death: Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Cookeville,TN
Funeral: Sunday, 11/26/2006
Graveside at Cate Cemetary in Martin
Friends may call after 11 a.m. Sunday at Murphy Funeral Home. There will be no visitation on Saturday night.
Survived by a daughter, Teri Johnson of Arlington Heights, IL
Survived by a son, John Cavin of Elk Grove, IL
Survived by his mother, Geraldine (Nornum) Cavin of Martin
Survived by his sister, Lynn Hutchins of Arlington Heights, IL
Survived by 3 brothers Ken Cavin of Martin,TN ; Don Schmidt of Corpus Christi, TX; Lawrence (Larry) Cavin of Joliet,IL
Preceded in death by his father, Bomer Cavin
Mr. Cavin was in Grocery Management at Wal-Mart.