Mrs. Dollie Mai Smith Brewer, age 84, of Martin, TN, died Saturday, 12/17/2016, at Van Ayer Healthcare and Rehab.
Graveside services will be at 2:00 PM Monday, 12/19/2016, at Gardner Cemetery, near Martin, TN. Friends may assemble at the cemetery at 1:45 PM Monday.
Mrs. Brewer was a member of Liberty Church of Christ; she was a homemaker.
Mrs. Brewer was preceded in death by her husband, Atlas Brewer; two sons, Steve and Donnie Brewer; a sister, Mildred Barber; three brothers, Thomas, Melvin, and Paul Smith; and her parents, Herman and Mami Lovelace Smith.
Mrs. Brewer is survived by her son, Mark(Tammy) Brewer, of Martin, TN; eight grandchildren, Josh(Amber)Brewer, McKenzie, TN, Samantha(Adam)Davidson, Palmersville, TN, Jeremy(Sandy)Brewer, Martin, TN Dalton(Majelica)Smith, Kenton, TN, Drake Murphree, Martin, TN, Andy(Kristie) Brewer, Dyersburg, TN, Brad(Lindsey)Brewer, Martin, TN, and Missy Taylor, Sharon, TN; and thirteen great grandchildren; a brother, Joe(Faye Smith, Martin, TN; and a daughter-in-law, LaRee Brewer, Martin, TN.