Mr. Dennis Dale Armstrong, age 66, of Martin, TN, died Wednesday, 03/07/2018, at his home.
Memorial Service and Celebration of Life will be Sunday, March 25, 2018, 2:00 P.M. at the Dresden Senior Center at 589 Evergreen Street in Dresden. A short service to honor Denny followed by refreshments and music performed by Denny's former bandmates. Come share your memories to honor him.
Mr. Armstrong was a currier for Weakley County Electric System.
Mr. Armstrong was survived by his wife, Lorrie Little Frazier Armstrong, a daughter, Amanda Jane Armstrong, Paris, TN; his sons, Reese Patrick Frazier and Jonathan Blake Frazier, all of Martin, TN; his mother, Betty Williams Burns; a sister, Patricia Mathis, MI; and a brother, Allen Armstrong, MI.
Mr. Armstrong was preceded in death by his father, Alton Armstrong, and a brother, Don Armstrong.